
Showing posts from March, 2021

Systemic Racism in Britain.

 Seeing Systemic Racism in Britain is a matter of choice. If you begin with the conviction that Systemic Racism its the only explanation for inequalities that divide British Society, you are sure to find evidence of it. You begin with a fixed belief and cherry-pick facts and information to confirm your suspicions.   You are no better than a religious fanatic claiming that the world was created in six days. Having grown up in Apartheid South Africa and strongly opposing racism of the systemic sort, I find no evidence of it in Britain.  I agree with the Ministerial findings on Systemic Racism in Britain. There simply isn't a more tolerant and less racist country in the world.  I am proud to be British! If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follo...

The President Joe Biden Puppetry

How long will the paper man last? President Joe Biden hardly seems up to the challenge of being an American President. But for now, the President is duty-bound to stagger forward no matter how great the  cost to himself.  The close circle of staffers around him appear to be working around the clock to disguise the evidence of his decline. Which means Joe Biden's  stuck in the Oval Office until something finally snaps - which I fear may not be far off. This isn't a Presidency - this is a hostage situation. If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter  Facebook  Google  LinkedIn  Tumblr

The Meghan & Harry Show.

Would the Real Harry please stand up...? If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter  Facebook  Google  LinkedIn  Tumblr

Feminism Tilting At Windmills Again...

Perpetual victimhood erodes it's own currency. The Vigil for Sarah was quite obviously hijacked by feminists. By identifying it as a 'protest', it is clear the purpose of the events around the Vigil for Sarah were not to mourn her death by to rather use it as political theatre. The problem with perpetually playing the victim is that sooner rather than later, you undermine your credibility.  There are far great societal problems that feminism should be addressing.  Like violence in the home, grooming gangs, sex trafficking and pornography.   It seems those issues are just too risky to confront.   So it seems they'd prefer to keep tackling softer issues. Until feminists address the real problems that society faces, there is no danger that they might change the world. If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more o...

Jenny Jones & The Advancement of Tyranny

MP Jenny Jones Identifies All Men as Offenders. In the wake of the murder of  Sarah Everard, f or MP Jenny Jones to recommend men are placed under a curfew is based on the false assumption that all men are inclined to violence against women. That is simply not true.  It's Guilt By Association and Identity Politics.  A Socialist Trope on a slippery slope that only advances tyranny.  I understand how sick women must be of the constant leering, groping and innuendo some lesser men are inclined too.  But giving more power to the State to stop this pestering and violence is insanity.  No amount of legislating, puffery and opportunistic point-scoring in the corridors of power can make women safer on the street. You don't make women safer by disempowering men.  You make women safer by creating a society where violence against women is simply not tolerated by every other man in a society. So the problem is...


If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter  Facebook  Google  LinkedIn  Tumblr  

Piers Gets Dumped

 Piers Morgan .  Did he jump, or was he pushed?  I agreed with Piers on the subject of Megxit.  But Primadonna Piers ended up cancelled. Piers  has been a super show host and advocate of Free Speech.  I really enjoyed his logic, wit and take downs.  I think his opinions were politically inconvenient at this time. I think he made some people rather uncomfortable.  Particularly in the corridors of power in the media house ITV. Piers might be great at what he does, but no matter how good you think you are,  you should never assume you are  indispensable.  Stay humble folks! If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter  Facebook  Google  LinkedIn  Tumblr

The Little Prince.

Isolating yourself from family for love is a bad idea.  It's understandable that Prince Harry would want to protect his family.  Considering the loss of his mother at an early age, it's no surprise he would try to create distance between her and any threat or source of pain. He has discovered Beauty. By that I am not referring to Meghan Markle's appearance.  I am referring to the profound meaning and purpose he has discovered having become a husband and a father. Harry has moved from relative insignificance to being the master of his own destiny, That is a very empowering thing. The problem is that by doing so, he has isolated himself in his own little world and placed all that he loves in a little glass bubble.  That with only a fragile, thorny flower for his companion. I hope he comes to his senses soon and rebuilds the relationships he has sacrificed to establish his independence. They are the meaning for his existence.  We emerge from family to return t...

Using Political Theatre To Provoke the Outrage Mob

  The Queen and the Duchess of Woke. Oprah and Meghan performed a political theatre set-piece in an attempt to discredit and shame The Royal Family.  What they used as their weapon was a logical fallacy called 'Guilt By Association'. By asserting that a comment was made about the possible skin tone of an unborn child, a public accusation was made that will remain indefinitely untestable. Assuming there was such a comment and whether or not the comment was intentionally racist or an impartial rumination is beside the point.  What matters is how Meghan chose to frame the comment in the public discourse and the public outrage and backlash it provoked. The pretence is that Meghan and Harry are 'acting with integrity' by not divulging who is guilty. However, by refusing to identify the offender, the entire Royal Family is then placed under a dark cloud of suspicion. This innuendo will remain in the minds of the media consuming public for as long as the Wokeratti keep reit...

When Two Worlds collude...

  How can two of the richest, most famous and most privileged black women in the world today honestly have a conversation about being the victim of systemic racism? The system has disgorged a veritable cornucopia on both of them. Both women have everything they can ever need. This pandering to the catastrophising of an immature, spoilt Hollywood mum who married a Prince is sickening.  She made her choices in full cognisance of what it meant to marry into The Royal Family. Yet she has the gall to assert that she is a victim.  Perhaps her ex-staff say mean things because the have good cause to?  Surely if she was kind, decent and courteous there would be no smoke and fires to extinguish?  You think Harry would compare the behaviour of his mother to the behaviour of his wife and be able to draw a distinction. This is an intersectional triumph:  Two filthy rich, privileged women of colour vir...

The Brazilian Strain is a scientific puzzle

  If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter  Facebook  Google  LinkedIn  Tumblr

One, Two, Free.

 Standing together with cartoonists resisting Totalitarianism. If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter  Facebook  Google  LinkedIn  Tumblr

Meghan Markle loses her sparkle...

  Meghan Markle seems to forget that Fame is a tough creditor. You pay for it with your Privacy. If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter  Facebook  Google  LinkedIn  Tumblr

Dr. Seuss in the firing line.

Accusing cultural icons of inappropriate imagery only serves the interests of those who wish to erase culture. Millions and millions of children acculturated into Western Society by a literary diet that includes Dr. Suess children's books have not become racists.  We could argue the effect of open libraries and debate has been really beneficial to all people of colour.  The Western intellectual tradition has formulated a society fully accepting of the 'other', and nurtured an environment that is perhaps too supportive of political nonsense and gobbledegook.  The latest accusations of the culturally inappropriate imagery in some Dr. Seuss books made by the woke intelligentsia is tantamount to nonsense. This claim is made without proof and does not attempt to establish causality. It can only be bunk.  Yet it is feverishly supported only by those only too eager to seem on the right side of the narrative.  The t...

Eddie Izzard offers to step in for Prince Philip.

  I am appalled at social media pundits willing Prince Philip to die before the Oprah interview so they can suggest that Prince Philip died of a broken heart.  It's the sort of insanity that indicates how dysfunctional and unhinged society has become.  Musing about this and 'The Emperor's New Clothes', it occurred to me that people will believe anything if enough people around them are agreeing with a bad idea.  That's how social justice works.  Create enough traction around a fallacy on social media and the world just goes along with it as Gospel Truth. That's why stand up comedians are so important in society.  They must call out this sort of nonsense for the bullshit it really is.  Eddie Izzard is perfect for this job.  Sure he is trans, but he is more of a man than 80% of the males on earth.  The guy is an Adonis, a Superman, an Ubermensch, but happily acknowledges he is a transvestite.  Stand-up comedians don't consider themselves t...