Jenny Jones & The Advancement of Tyranny

MP Jenny Jones Identifies All Men as Offenders.

Political cartoon

In the wake of the murder of Sarah Everard, for MP Jenny Jones to recommend men are placed under a curfew is based on the false assumption that all men are inclined to violence against women. That is simply not true.  It's Guilt By Association and Identity Politics.  A Socialist Trope on a slippery slope that only advances tyranny. 

I understand how sick women must be of the constant leering, groping and innuendo some lesser men are inclined too.  But giving more power to the State to stop this pestering and violence is insanity.  No amount of legislating, puffery and opportunistic point-scoring in the corridors of power can make women safer on the street.

You don't make women safer by disempowering men.  You make women safer by creating a society where violence against women is simply not tolerated by every other man in a society.

So the problem is not men. Men are the solution.

Fathers model healthy attitudes and behaviour towards women to their sons.  A boy's first love is his mother. Both parents have the power to teach a boy how to respect, adore and protect a woman with the strength, aggression and courage nature has endowed him with.

If a man had taken it upon himself to walk Sarah Everard to her door without any expectations of 'reward' - but as a simple act of decency, she would still be alive today.

I advocate a return to gender clarity, family values and the public good.

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