Dr. Seuss in the firing line.

Accusing cultural icons of inappropriate imagery only serves the interests of those who wish to erase culture.

Millions and millions of children acculturated into Western Society by a literary diet that includes Dr. Suess children's books have not become racists.  We could argue the effect of open libraries and debate has been really beneficial to all people of colour.  The Western intellectual tradition has formulated a society fully accepting of the 'other', and nurtured an environment that is perhaps too supportive of political nonsense and gobbledegook.  The latest accusations of the culturally inappropriate imagery in some Dr. Seuss books made by the woke intelligentsia is tantamount to nonsense.

This claim is made without proof and does not attempt to establish causality. It can only be bunk.  Yet it is feverishly supported only by those only too eager to seem on the right side of the narrative.  The truth is that the other 99% of society doesn't agree with them.  Even a cursory read through Dr. Seuss' books that are now deemed 'political incorrect' reveals nothing offensive - unless you work really hard at being offended.

The sad thing is that having besmirched a few books, the entire body of Dr. Seuss's books are now open to attack.  Books that have always inspired inclusion, tolerance, kindness, love and acceptance. The Wokeratti will not be satisfied with such a small beach head, the degradation and destruction of all children's literature that is deemed not fit for Wokeratti ideals will follow.

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