The Little Prince.

Isolating yourself from family for love is a bad idea.

caricature Prince Harry

 It's understandable that Prince Harry would want to protect his family.  Considering the loss of his mother at an early age, it's no surprise he would try to create distance between her and any threat or source of pain.

He has discovered Beauty. By that I am not referring to Meghan Markle's appearance.  I am referring to the profound meaning and purpose he has discovered having become a husband and a father. Harry has moved from relative insignificance to being the master of his own destiny, That is a very empowering thing. The problem is that by doing so, he has isolated himself in his own little world and placed all that he loves in a little glass bubble.  That with only a fragile, thorny flower for his companion.

I hope he comes to his senses soon and rebuilds the relationships he has sacrificed
to establish his independence. They are the meaning for his existence.  We emerge from family to return to family.

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