Cupidity on Valentine's Day

Cupidity is repeating the same stupid, political behaviour over and over again

in the hope of achieving a more desirable outcome.

political cartoon

I am fascinated by the Political Theatre that is playing out in America at the moment. I can only marvel why politicians would continue pursuing Donald Trump for impeachment on such shaky grounds. The case was less than solid, their assertions were weak and their evidence was pathetically contrived. It all proved so easy to debunk, yet they persisted.

I think ideology and hatred blind people to their own failures. When people are convinced of their virtuosity and puritanical intent, their hypocrisy can be utterly astounding. You learn more about people from what they say about others, not by what they say about themselves.

What’s most interesting to me is what Trump’s enemies DON’T accuse him of. If one considers how much dirt the political class, the press and the intelligentsia can dig up and put on display in order to shame, ridicule or impeach an opponent, this flimsy accusation points to nothing substantial that they could bring to bear. It suggests that Trump is not only uncommonly clean, he’s not beholden to anyone, and that terrifies them.

Trump is someone who can rally half of America to his side without secret handshakes or backroom machinations. Trump may not be a part of the political elite, but he is an honest statesman. That is why people love him like a redeemer. Trump is their only chance to wrest power from the corrupt, neoliberal class and return it to the people. That is after all, what Democracy is all about.

It’s fitting then that the neoliberal’s ill-conceived plans should come to nothing on Valentine’s Day. In their repeated attempts to block his political career and consolidate their unassailable positions of power they have merely succeeded in propelling their opponent to demi-god status:

To me, that’s cupidity.

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