Existential Angst.

As we find ourselves facing possible self extinction and existential angst is at it’s highest ever, I can’t help but notice all the eco-warriors and extinction rebels are strangely silent at a time when their voices could have the most powerful arguments. Why is that? I wonder.

political cartoon
Fear of a plank planet.

One would expect that those most vocal about the human impact on the environment during times when things are safe and predictable would at least be saying: “Ahah! …told you so!” But for the moment the green bloc seem to have disappeared into the ether. Around the world the lack of industry, commuting and consumption is clearing the air. It’s a perfect vindication for the call for less consumption, commerce and industry. Yet the greeny beanies seem to be in hiding. Not a word from Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund or even the troops that routinely disrupt traffic and fill social media with their narratives and rhetoric. But there is silence. Utter, deafening silence.

I wonder if all this hoohah about green issues isn’t a convenient cause that requires no skin in the game. When the going actually gets tough, the self-aggrandising, virtue signalling, over-privileged armchair and keyboard warriors disappear. The real heroes have emerged as emergency and essential service workers. I hope the nations remember those outstanding people when this is all over.

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