
Showing posts from March, 2020

Evolution rolls on, baby!

  Embrace Evolution. Adapt our diet. After the coronavirus malarky we are going to have to evolve. We need to review the situation. Our behavioural patterns have got to change. It would be preferable to emerge more sentient species or we are really are in for a hard time. By that I mean that coronavirus is a symptom of the far greater problem of human stupidity, cupidity and selfishness… Illustration by Social distancing may be the only way forward. It may require that we permanently live in small, isolated family groups. The whole international hive mentality that has emerged will disintegrate. Are we are all brothers? Forget it. No matter what tune the kum-ba-ja brigade sings, it has always been every man for himself. The future will most likely force us to fundamentally rethink that.  Since we are in a coronavirus lockdown and you have oodles of time, why not go and see more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more or you can view...

Social Distancing during the Corona Crisis

Now being a responsible adult is to stay at home and do nothing. But isolating yourself with your family is like living in a fishbowl. Loving someone is suddenly not being touchy, yet everyone is in your face. I’m loving the way the Coronavirus lockdown is turning our world upside down and outside in! Interesting times… Illustration by I submitted this cartoon to the  Professional Cartoonists Org.  as part of a ‘toon challenge. The theme was simply: “Goldfish” It will be interesting to see how my work stacks up against better, more experienced artists. I find the humour, subtlety and brilliant insights of British Cartooning very inspiring. I’ve always been told to dumb my ideas down and aim for the lowest common denominator. I feel I have to raise my game here so I am feeling right at home! Since we are in a coronavirus lockdown and you have oodles of time, why not go and see more of my work? You can view more of my other current affairs commentary on...

Corona Virus Survivor T-Shirt.

Sooner or later the Corona Virus will be overcome and we will emerge victorious. The time will come to crow about humanity’s victory over this existential threat. Been there, done that and now get the T-Shirt! Illustration by Available at  Tee Public  and  RedBubble  online stores. Hurry and get your T-shirt before they’re gone! If you enjoyed this post you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest.  or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr

Press the World Restart button.

This latest panic in the world is going to leave the world completely changed. After the restart, I predict the demographics of nations will be altered, beliefs shattered, understandings purified, values tested, behaviours refreshed and unworthy systems laid to waste. Illustration by My hope is that when the dust settles the world will have made a fresh start. Those among us who were most fortunate will see themselves in a new light of unmerited favour and deep gratitude. I would like to see unaccountable, greedy multinational corporations disposed of and replaced by responsible, low-environmental impacting local industries. Humanity will emerge wiser, more humane and gentler on the earth and her resources. I believe now is the time that it could happen. That could be the silver lining to this whole dark cloud we all face; Spaceship Earth and all her inhabitants will enjoy a more considerate, peaceful and prosperous future. That is the beacon I have set my ship to...

Go to Your Rooms and Isolate!

  Humans have been misbehaving for so long now, we’re all been punished with the denial of privilege and social deprivation. Illustration by If you enjoyed this post and would like to see more of my work, you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest.  or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr

Rolling Over the Corona Virus.

  Sure the Corona Virus is scary. I have finally discovered why toilet paper is so essential to keeping the Coronavirus at bay. I finally figured out how toilet rolls help: Stick it to the Corona Virus. If you enjoyed this post and would like to see more of my work, you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest.  or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr

Halo, halo …to spot the difference.

Since circumstances have forced us into a coronavirus lockdown and we all have oodles of time, why not go and see more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr

Green Goblin Greta Thunberg

Sunday night – sitting watching telly I had an idea. I was bored and needed to pick on someone. I had seen a post of  Greta Thunberg  on Facebook referring to her as the ‘ Doom Goblin’  and thought to myself: “I can do better than that!” The Green Goblin is sinking… or is the water rising? The Green Goblin is a far better moniker, in fact, ‘The Green Goblin of Doom’ is even better! Whether or not she is just a child with runaway existential angst or a victim of her  parent’s ideology , we must be careful to not throw the baby out with the •ahem• bathwater. The climate is changing no doubt, but it’s impossible to determine why exactly. That’s another whole discussion but for now, I am simply having a bit of fun. Enjoy! If you liked this post and would like to see more of my work, you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest.  or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr...