Evolution rolls on, baby!

 Embrace Evolution. Adapt our diet. After the coronavirus malarky we are going to have to evolve. We need to review the situation. Our behavioural patterns have got to change. It would be preferable to emerge more sentient species or we are really are in for a hard time. By that I mean that coronavirus is a symptom of the far greater problem of human stupidity, cupidity and selfishness…

covid collection cartoon
Illustration by rob@flamingpencil.com

Social distancing may be the only way forward. It may require that we permanently live in small, isolated family groups. The whole international hive mentality that has emerged will disintegrate. Are we are all brothers? Forget it. No matter what tune the kum-ba-ja brigade sings, it has always been every man for himself. The future will most likely force us to fundamentally rethink that. 

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