Finding the Middle Road

 Some Progressives today argue passionately in favour of Socialism.
What are they thinking?

There has been a recent trend by the progressive left to promote Socialism as the antidote to rampant Capitalism.

Socialism and Capitalism are not political ideologies, they better described as are ideologically driven economic systems.  Free Market Capitalism is a self-ordering system that allows each individual who generates value to be rewarded according to their skill and ability.  Socialism is a State imposed levelling system that takes the production of all and distributes it as the State deems appropriate or necessary.

The difference is best illustrated in the writings of Karl Marx and Ayn Rand.  Marx was arguing for absolute State Economic control, and Rand argued for no State interference in the Economy.

When the Progressive Left insist we need to try Socialism again they the fail to recognise what the inevitable outcome of absolute power is.  So too is the argument against unfettered crony capitalism. I always point to the moral and ethical chaos that surrounds companies closely associated with the American Political elite as an example of this.

 Socialism has failed societies each and every time it has been attempted.  Apart from the economic disaster it has always unleashed, the cost in human lives is utterly appalling.  Corruption, greed, cronyism and murder seem to always follow closely on the heels of an unchecked government or corporation.

I think the best solution is the dynamic tension between a socially responsible State that uses unflinching taxation from Free Market Capitalism to fund its incentives and programs. The Nordic States seem to have achieved this.

I think it was C.S Lewis who said Democracy is the best political system for humans.  Not because Man is noble and wise, but because he isn't. It's all about the checks and balances.

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