When Two Worlds collude...
How can two of the richest, most famous and most privileged black women in the world today honestly have a conversation about being the victim of systemic racism? The system has disgorged a veritable cornucopia on both of them. Both women have everything they can ever need. This pandering to the catastrophising of an immature, spoilt Hollywood mum who married a Prince is sickening. She made her choices in full cognisance of what it meant to marry into The Royal Family. Yet she has the gall to assert that she is a victim. Perhaps her ex-staff say mean things because the have good cause to? Surely if she was kind, decent and courteous there would be no smoke and fires to extinguish? You think Harry would compare the behaviour of his mother to the behaviour of his wife and be able to draw a distinction. This is an intersectional triumph: Two filthy rich, privileged women of colour vir...
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