We Must Not Trade Liberty for Safety.

 We must not trade liberty for safety. During the Corona Virus Pandemic, it’s very tempting to allow governmental bureaucrats to take over and fix things for us. But we must ensure that ultimate self-determination is handed back to the nation after the crisis is over.

Political cartoon
Do not trade liberty for safety

In the ‘The Social Contract’ Rousseau argues that citizens relinquish their rights to self-defence to the State who in turn promises to protect them. That was a matter of military consideration. Now, hundreds of years later it seems the State is overreaching to the point of even telling us what dangers we ought to fear and forcing us to behave in a manner that seems contrary to common sense. When in the history of mankind was a healthy person quarantined? Assuming those at risk are the tiny percentage that would have died anyway why are we not asking for explanations why we should all be locked down instead of isolating only those most at risk?

The answer seems to be that people living in powerful states are so mollycoddled they are extremely risk-adverse. It takes only the slightest hint of a danger to have them scurrying to comply in a complete absence of mind. The issues have been bounced back and forth by pundits and we are no closer to the truth of the CoronaVirus than when we began. It’s all narrative and no facts. How long will it be until we can justify acting like herd animals just to be safe? Citizens must take back autonomy and self-determination. We need less State and more individual franchise otherwise humankind will be reduced to voting cattle. It would be a sad end for such a noble and divine creature.

Since it’s safer for everybody to stay indoors and isolate. We all have oodles of time so why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my Pointy Politburo for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on Pinterest.
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