Lifting the Lockdown… or not.

Lifting the Lockdown won’t be easy. It’s a real case of try and see. People have become used to inactivity and are predictably reluctant to re-embrace such frenzied activity for less quality of life. People are beginning to realise that living off the state is much better bargain.

political cartoon
I prefer to live on the dole now.

The problem is that we all can’t sit around and suckle on the tits of the State. Sooner or later we are going to be lifting the lockdown because someone has to make the money to pay the taxes to feed the indigent and supply the infrastructure. That is the biggest problem with socialism. It sounds OK to the idealogue but it’s practically unsustainable. Think about it. Unless the State prints the money who is going to drive tax revenue? Answer: Capitalism. The only successful socialist models combine both financial modalities in order to survive. Think about that while you lounge about and save the world from a CoVid apocalypse. Oh the absurdity of it all. Save the world and do nothing. That should already tell you that this is not what it seems. Why are we even discussing lifting the lockdown when the lockdown quarantined the wrong people?

Since we are currently not lifting the lockdown and have oodles of time so why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my Pointy Politburo for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on Pinterest.
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