
Showing posts from May, 2020

Practice What You Preach

If you don’t do as you prescribe, you will undermine your own authority. Practice what you preach. I couldn’t help but notice that members of the press were standing on top of each other whilst confronting a local politician about why he didn’t observe the Social Distancing Guidelines. Questions like : “Do you think the rules don’t apply to you?” are important but seem hollow when the accusers are part of a melange of hot sweaty bodies crushing together to assail the hapless father and daughter. This seems to suggest all the members of the upper echelons of society including the upper class, intelligentsia, celebrities, journalists and politicians see themselves as untouchable but virtue of their status. The fact that the press absent-mindedly trip over one another to ask that one incisive, damning question reveals their sanctimonious self-importance. Whose pandemic is it, anyway? Since we are currently still social distancing and have oodles of time, why not go and browse more of my w...

Lifting the Lockdown… or not.

Lifting the Lockdown won’t be easy. It’s a real case of try and see. People have become used to inactivity and are predictably reluctant to re-embrace such frenzied activity for less quality of life. People are beginning to realise that living off the state is much better bargain. I prefer to live on the dole now. The problem is that we all can’t sit around and suckle on the tits of the State. Sooner or later we are going to be lifting the lockdown because someone has to make the money to pay the taxes to feed the indigent and supply the infrastructure. That is the biggest problem with socialism. It sounds OK to the idealogue but it’s practically unsustainable. Think about it. Unless the State prints the money who is going to drive tax revenue? Answer: Capitalism. The only successful socialist models combine both financial modalities in order to survive. Think about that while you lounge about and save the world from a CoVid apocalypse. Oh the absurdity of it all. Save the world and do...

Why The Liberal Media Hate Trump.

The Liberal Media hate Trump. They don’t hate him because he is evil, not because he is a monster, or a fool, or an autocrat. He could be all of those things, but they hate Trump because he is not one of them. The loathing and fear is mutual. The liberal media and the Democratic political class loathe, fear and hate Trump because he stands for conservatism. In his inaugural speech Trump promised a return to Capitalism and less State involvement in the economy. He has the power to change everything they have wanted to achieve with a stroke of a pen and he has not hesitated to deliver on his promise. Democracy and Socialism are practically the same. Rule by the majority vote for the benefit of the people. The only difference between Democracy and Socialism is that the State owns the means of production for the benefit of the people. The rest is mere detail. Democratic Socialism is simply Socialism masquerading as Democracy for political expedience. The outcome will always be the same. Th...

We Must Not Trade Liberty for Safety.

  We must not trade liberty for safety. During the Corona Virus Pandemic, it’s very tempting to allow governmental bureaucrats to take over and fix things for us. But we must ensure that ultimate self-determination is handed back to the nation after the crisis is over. Do not trade liberty for safety In the ‘The Social Contract’ Rousseau argues that citizens relinquish their rights to self-defence to the State who in turn promises to protect them. That was a matter of military consideration. Now, hundreds of years later it seems the State is overreaching to the point of even telling us what dangers we ought to fear and forcing us to behave in a manner that seems contrary to common sense. When in the history of mankind was a healthy person quarantined? Assuming those at risk are the tiny percentage that would have died anyway why are we not asking for explanations why we should all be locked down instead of isolating only those most at risk? The answer seems to be that people living...

Ignore the Lockdown and Sacrifice Our NHS Workers.

The NHS workers are the sector of our population who are most at risk of the Corona Virus Pandemic. NHS workers have to navigate safely through hundreds if not thousands of potential moments of infection every day. If we insist on ignoring the lockdown guideline, we will increase the number fo infections exponentially. Are we not then selfishly increasing their chances of contracting the disease? Don’t sacrifice the NHS workers on the altar of your own selfishness. Since it’s safer for everybody to stay indoors and isolate. We all have oodles of time so why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr