
Showing posts from May, 2021

Finding the Middle Road

 Some Progressives today argue passionately in favour of Socialism. What are they thinking? There has been a recent trend by the progressive left to promote Socialism as the antidote to rampant Capitalism. Socialism and Capitalism are not political ideologies, they better described as are ideologically driven economic systems.  Free Market Capitalism is a self-ordering system that allows each individual who generates value to be rewarded according to their skill and ability.  Socialism is a State imposed levelling system that takes the production of all and distributes it as the State deems appropriate or necessary. The difference is best illustrated in the writings of Karl Marx and Ayn Rand.  Marx was arguing for absolute State Economic control, and Rand argued for no State interference in the Economy. When the Progressive Left insist we need to try Socialism again they the fail to recognise what the inevitable outcome of absolute power is.  So t...

Island of Jersey fishing rights dispute

 May is the month of Mermaids.  When there's a pretty girl on the line, everybody's suddenly interested. If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this illustration, why not go and browse more of my work?  Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter  Facebook  Google  LinkedIn  Tumblr

Fudging Sex and Gender issues

  I recently came across a post on Facebook by a South African church leader declaring that a cross-dressing man identified as Mark Bryan would be welcome in HIS church.  His church is called Future Church Now .  He positions his church as throughly accepting of persons with forms of gender dysphoria as opposed to 'other churches' that do not.  So far so good.  Considering Christ's injunctions to love one another, I have no argument with that.  The church should already be practising such inclusion as Christ commanded. I fail to see the point of this declaration if not to only virtue signal.  It's his assertions in support of the claims that I disagree with.  This leader claims that there are no gender specific jobs, " being purely cultural constructs, and not based in Scripture, God’s will or universal truth ." Biology (which he as a christian would affirm is the creation of God) shows that there are differences in career choices that are innate ...