
Showing posts from February, 2021

Harry bows out.

 Nobody quits the Firm... If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr


 We're all (dreaming) of a summer holiday... ...then get the jab so we're all safe! If you enjoyed my thoughts along with this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr


Just a reminder that I have a gallery of Covid related cartoons that are free to use. I would only ask that you credit me in a link for the use of the illustration. Enjoy! #covid #COVID19 #coronavirus #coronavirus #coronavirusuk

Covid Vaccination Avoidance Syndrome

Conspiracy theories abound around the issue of CoVid19 and the world wide pandemic. Predictably a sort of manic suspicion has emerged, particularly on the political right. It's amusing when people latch on to narratives that are unsubstantiated and impossible to validate with facts and evidence. It's because humans try to assign a big cause to a big event or problem.  In the light of no reasonable explanation for something unique and unpredictable, we invent narratives to make sense of the phenomenon.  The trouble is when people buy into incorrect or false narratives they come up with all sorts of crazy arguments to justify their position. For instance: claiming that your body is a temple and must not be defiled whilst you'll happily scoff anything from a MacDonalds burger to a piece of genetically modified fruit is evidence of how unconsciously we navigate reality. The vaccines are there to allow us to get back to relative normality as ...

Cupidity on Valentine's Day

Cupidity is repeating the same stupid, political behaviour over and over again in the hope of achieving a more desirable outcome. I am fascinated by the Political Theatre that is playing out in America at the moment. I can only marvel why politicians would continue pursuing Donald Trump for impeachment on such shaky grounds. The case was less than solid, their assertions were weak and their evidence was pathetically contrived. It all proved so easy to debunk, yet they persisted. I think ideology and hatred blind people to their own failures. When people are convinced of their virtuosity and puritanical intent, their hypocrisy can be utterly astounding. You learn more about people from what they say about others, not by what they say about themselves. What’s most interesting to me is what Trump’s enemies DON’T accuse him of. If one considers how much dirt the political class, the press and the intelligentsia can dig up and put on display in order to shame, ridicule or impeach an opponen...

The Proposal

  The proposal is a suggestion that we exchange socio-economic status symbols. If you enjoyed this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for social commentary and gags, or you can view more of my other current affairs cartoons on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr

Profit with Purpose.

  Profit with Purpose Profit with Purpose provides goods and services whilst considering the ethical impact they have on people, places and potentialities . Profit with Purpose. Embedding purpose must become the rallying cry for businesses around the world. We must seek to stem the rampant, unaccountable corporate greed that consumes our values, undermines governmental structures and destroys the environment. My brother Colin is a passionate student and advocate of healthy, Agile corporate culture. He  penned a post  that addresses this problem. Profit not moored to Purpose demonstrably produces unpleasant results. Bad outcomes in spiritual, personal, economic, and transcendent terms. I was delighted to create this illustration to compliment his ideas. Here’s hoping more of these collaborations will follow. Here’s to a brighter future! If you enjoyed this comment, why not go and browse more of my musings? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view...

Farewell Sir Captain Tom Moore

Farewell Captain Sir Tom Moore. You have earned your wings now too. Farewell to one of the most extraordinary human beings. Sir Captain Tom Moore outlived most of his generation, left his finest for last and reminded us all how to be the best human beings we can be. You have earned your wings now too. Rest in Peace. My apologies to you all and thanks to  Linda Greef ! If you enjoyed this cartoon, why not go and browse more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more, or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr