
Showing posts from June, 2020

Welcome to the Animal Farm

The Autonomous Zone is like ‘The Animal Farm’ by George Orwell. It warns that if we create power vacuums in our societies, ruthless sociopaths will step into that gap and take control. The Autonomous Zone project is developing along the lines of George Orwell’s novel ‘Animal Farm’. The seemingly uneducated and idealistic youths are discovering that ‘ The Animal Farm ‘ wasn’t so much a novel as a warning. They are now living in an all-too familiar Orwellian nightmare. A power structure has quickly developed. As might be expected, it is dominated by the well-armed, most violent and ruthless individuals.. It seems sad that in an attempt to shrug power they have surrendered their power to bullies, thugs and criminals. Sooner or later this social experiment will collapse. (History suggests it always does.) Law enforcement will then take back control. I fear it may not end well. We need a State,  but not too powerful . We need Law Enforcement –  but not too violent.  I identify...

Why Black Lives Matter More.

  Until all lives matter, no lives matter. We all live in an overly politically-correct world. Insisting that black lives are more vulnerable than the other lives is untrue and  divisive . UK and USA data doesn’t support any claim that  Black Lives are less important or in greater danger . In fact, one can only find  evidence to the contrary . Black Lives Matter are most active in UK and USA. These countries have massive social security programmes. Most immigrants have come to expect support from Government. It benefits them to claim extraordinary levels of ‘fear, anxiety and distress’ because it qualifies them for more of the mothering Government’s resources. An accusation of ‘racism’ is the trump card in this game of extortion. The louder Black Lives Matter protestors screech about ‘systemic racism’, the more the State accedes to their demands. The noisiest mouths get fed first. This is incentivising interlopers and indigents to act like young Cuckoos. The foundati...

BLACK or WHITE doesn’t determine what is RIGHT.

Black or White? The world is suddenly ablaze with accusations of racism. The political discourse has become overwhelmingly binary. This can only be bad. The political discourse at the moment has become binary. This is pernicious and should be undone as quickly as possible. Forcing the political discourse to extremism is no longer politics. It is fascism. Politics is the art of diplomacy. Politics explores the shades of grey and seeks compromise. Compromise means both sides lose as the price of progress. Living in the most peaceful, prosperous period in recorded history is the result. It is worth securing for future generations. History shows us that intolerance in discourse is the death of civility and debate. It is the reserve of dull bullies not suited to lead or determine the future of society. We need our brightest minds at the helm, not the brutes. Those who seek to shut down Freedom of Speech reveal themselves as unable to discuss things reasonably. This is poisonous to peace, fr...