
Showing posts from April, 2020

Marooned for another 3 weeks.

Marooned for another 3 weeks. Great. As if we didn’t need another 3 weeks of solitude. All in a good cause I say. Great. As if we didn’t need another 3 weeks of isolation. I will keep up the daily cartoons to amuse and delight your all. It’s been a great exercise for me. I may just do this for a living when it’s over!  Since we are all stuck on our little islands for another 3 weeks, why not go and see more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr

Existential Angst.

As we find ourselves facing possible self extinction and existential angst is at it’s highest ever, I can’t help but notice all the eco-warriors and extinction rebels are strangely silent at a time when their voices could have the most powerful arguments. Why is that? I wonder. Fear of a plank planet. One would expect that those most vocal about the human impact on the environment during times when things are safe and predictable would at least be saying: “Ahah! …told you so!” But for the moment the green bloc seem to have disappeared into the ether. Around the world the lack of industry, commuting and consumption is clearing the air. It’s a perfect vindication for the call for less consumption, commerce and industry. Yet the greeny beanies seem to be in hiding. Not a word from Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund or even the troops that routinely disrupt traffic and fill social media with their narratives and rhetoric. But there is silence. Utter, deafening silence. I wonder if all this ho...

Coronavirus Lockdown: Staying Safe.

Coronavirus Lockdown safety means you’re only safe if you stay put. Illustration by This is not a drill. People are dying. If you value your life you’ll do as we say. Sounds like apocalyptic dystopian rhetoric,  doesn’t it ? Well, the figures are scary and the images are  alarming . I’d say just to be safe, during the lockdown sit it out until the all-clear and watch my blog for more entertaining ideas and funny cartoons. Whether this is a government conspiracy or a leaked bioweapon or a pushback from Mother Nature, we’ll have to sort this out after the dust has settled. But for now: Stay Safe! Since circumstances have forced us into a coronavirus lockdown and we all have oodles of time, why not go and see more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tum...

Get Well soon Boris Johnson!

  Prime Minister Boris Johnson is in hospital today with persistent Covid-19 symptoms. I am reposting this caricature to remind us what an important role he plays for our society and the world. God speed you and your little family Boris, all of you get well soon and we look forward to seeing you back at the helm in full health and vitality in due course. Boris in bed feeling bad Since this medical emergency has forced us into a coronavirus lockdown and you have oodles of time, why not go and see more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr

Oops! The Red Dawn.

It would seem the Communists have defined the New World in a fit of absence of mind. Since we are in a coronavirus lockdown and you have oodles of time, why not go and see more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumblr

Don and Boris flattening the Curve.

  Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are on a wild ride! They had better hang on for all our sakes! If they don’t succeed in   flattening the curve   things will only get much, much worse. Illustration by They both stand as leaders of nations that are under the most dire existential threat since World War 2. In times such as these nations are best served by more strong hawkish, conservative governments and it seems both the United States and the United Kingdom are extremely fortunate in this regard! Trump and Johnson are in my opinion doing a great job. People might be critical about some of the decisions they have made, but I salute them both. It’s easy to think you would have done better. That’s why there are so many armchair coaches, politicians, film critics and so-called experts-without-qualification. Remember a Prime Minister or President is only as good as their team of specialist and advisors. They seem to have both chosen wisely. We will all loo...

CoronaVirus. Is the devil doing it?

  Satan always cops the rap for the evil that men do. It’s easier to ascribe chaos to an inanswerable transcendent entity like a devil than to face the harsh realities and hold people to account. Human beings operate in a ceaselessly adjusting complexity and shit just happens. Illustration by But the red devil here is easily identifiable. We all know China is at the  epicentre  of this international disaster by intent or neglect. The devil is in the details. The question is whether they should be held accountable for all the damage that has ensued and what will world leaders do about it? Since those red devils have forced us into a coronavirus lockdown and you have oodles of time, why not go and see more of my work? Check out my  Pointy Politburo  for more or you can view more of my other current affairs commentary on  Pinterest. or Follow me on: Twitter    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Tumbl...